Friday, May 4, 2012

Bocas Baseball and Toe Damage

Lets see, where do I start? I know. The bad news first. So my negligibility came to bite me in the ass again and this time in the form of a hangnail. I was convinced that the damn thing was just a phase that would pass like the crazy amount of gringos that come here to think they are going to “live” the dream. I find that they just need to live the reality. Anywho, I waited and waited and my big toe got more and more gross. Red. Infected. Smelt like a sewage treatment plant that had broken down years ago but still had raw sewage being pumped into it. You get the point. If only I had gone to the doctor at the first sign of discomfort I would not have had to rely on the archaic methods I did which trying to cut the side of the toenail off lengthwise and then ripping the nail out that had at this point hooked its way into what felt like the center of my toe. My god that was a terrible idea.

Note to everyone, don't put off to tomorrow what you can do today and if you think things will just go away on their own like I like to do then you you are either going to end up with two distinct things and nothing else. One is a bloody big toe that the doctor has just ripped a jagged piece of nail out of along with cutting out and yanking half of what is left of your toe. The other is most likely going to be a really shitty term paper that was thrown together while trying to nurse a hangover with caffeine and hot pockets. I've done both. It was lucky for me that I've always had a knack for writing and could churn out a respectable paper no matter what. It was not lucky for me that I had tried to give myself surgery without anesthesia. And it was downright stupid to wait for months while my demonic toenail sent from the underbelly of hell itself dug its way towards the middle of my toe while slicing its way through any and everything it could therefore turning my toe into a red infected chunk of dead meat hanging out next to my other toes.

Ok. Enough of that. Lets talk about happy things. It rained today thank god. My water tank was pretty much down to its last drop and that was going to mean going to the river to bath with an open sore. Also, I heard that humans need to drink water to survive so I will be trying that out now that I have plenty.

Directly after my excruciatingly painful impromptu surgery by one of Changuinola's finest doctors that made me wait until he could position the antenna on the tv just right before he could cut into my hemorrhaging toe, I went to the Bocas Baseball game. Now this might catch you by surprise and if it has I'm very sorry and please give me a chance to explain. This was not just any ol baseball game, this was game three of the World Series of Baseball (of just Panama) and Bocas was up two games to none. Tickets were hard to come by but I had my connections and had my ticket in hand as the good ol doctor Whack a Mole was hacking away at my foot digits. So I hobbled out of the Clinica San Jose and onto the dirt road where I soon chased a taxi as fast as a turtle chases....well...anything, and I was off. I met my friends in front of the stadium and after the horse tranquilizers that they gave me for the pain kicked in I felt perfectly sane and comfortable sitting on a plastic beer box with a view of almost nothing that was so far away from any player that I couldn't make out any of the numbers on their backs for 7 hours. We won which was the important thing and I didn't get my toe stomped into oblivion every time we scored and the people behind, in front, to the sides, and somehow underneath me, went into convulsive fits while hurling copious amounts alcohol into the air. I'm not kidding about this. Like I ever kid anyways. Apparently someone scoring at a baseball game here is a perfectly good reason to swing your drink around in the sky until there is none left in said container.

I actually enjoyed it and I think I would have even without the Dr. Mole tranquilizers. Having attended many baseball games in the states I can attest that they are boring. And by boring I mostly mean that its not that rowdy. Now, I've never been to a final game of anything until now so I don't know if baseball finals are different in the states but here its just turned up to 11 no doubt. You've got half the people paying to get in standing in every crevice of the ballpark, the constant and I mean constant pounding away by the band who is seated in the stands, two dollar bags of fried chicken with banana chips, hand horns, car horns, bus horns, and whistles constantly going off, and people screaming at the refs. Its good entertainment and worth my five bucks any day...

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