I'm watching T.V. With my host mom. Well she is weaving a new purse to sell at the market and I'm writing this but the TV is on. It always seems to be on here. And when I say here I mean all of Panama. All day long. Everyone. I'm not sure why but it seems that Panamanians like their TV more than Americans. Back to the purse. She makes these purses out of a type of waterproof yarn and has a template for each one. It takes her about a week to make them and she sells them for about 25 bucks at the market in the big city. They are all of parrots and I can only help but think “what if she starting making purses with different designs on them”? Could she get more for them? What if she put TV's on the purses with one of their Soap Operas as the picture? I bet she could get 30 bucks for that. Maybe even more.
It seems that my Spanish is getting worse but I'm pretty sure that is because I'm learning more about what I don't know. I like to be kept in the dark about things as much as possible so this is kinda conflicting for me. I do find myself wanting to learn Spanish more than ever. Especially when I talk to other volunteers about their projects. We have “class” almost everyday. All day. And they are actually really informative and interesting. I have a hard time looking at one thing for more than 2 minutes so to get my attention in one spot for that long is a challenge.
Big News
Next week we are visiting a site where a volunteer is working and it is supposed to represent where they think we would be best. Mine is in Bocas Del Toro and is in a little town almost on the boarder with Costa Rica. For those who know me well you find this funny because this is literally one of the 3 places I have spent any time in in Panama when I came 4 years ago. I'm keeping an open mind and eager to help any community that needs my help even if I've already been there. I am hoping to get placed in the Darien Gap with one of the indigenous tribes. I have made that clear to the people in charge of placement so hopefully they are able to work that out. BTW. Panama is about the size of North Carolina and it will take us two days to get there. Tells you how the terrain is.
Today was a big day of firsts so I'm just going to list them:
Bought my first Machete and I'm about to file that sucka to a sharp ass edge. We have a class tomorrow morning to teach us how to use them. I'm guessing its going to involve swinging them towards things we want to be cut off.
Got my first yellow fever shot. Hurts like hell still and every movement towards the sky with my left arm isn't fun. I like to complain about it as usual.
Saw my first Bot Fly today. Well it was a video that some other volunteers here made of them taking a couple out of their backs. We have been assured that we will all get them sooner or later. If you don't know what a bot fly is look it up. Not Cool!
Had internet and air conditioning for the first time in a week. Funny how you miss the little things.
Tried Palm Seed which tasted like really dry Artichoke hearts. Not terrible. Also tried a type of Blood Sausage that they have here. That was a little rough. Large blackened casing with the dried remains of blood and fat stuffed in the middle. It wasn't terrible but my stomach didn't like it too much. I had dinner when I got home instead of eating the entire thing.
Health report:
My toe hurts more today than it did yesterday. For sure broken. If it not better in a couple weeks I will have to cast it up probably. I really don't want to do that. It is overall getting better but I really want to teach dancing lessons in my community so I need it to get better as fast as possible.
I have allergy medicine now and I like to think its getting better but maybe not. I might need a combination of a bunch of them. My eyes are swollen and I can't breathe out of my nose.
As for my mental health. I'm doing pretty good. I partied and had a lot of fun right before I left the states and I could be really sad that I'm not doing those things now, but I'm not. That said, there are some people that I really miss and you know who you are and I hope you come visit me soon. I feel like I have a purpose right now and that is to invoke change in a community of people that have nothing. I'm going to change someones life for the better hopefully and it feels good. I really want to leave all things American behind and embrace my new mission in life but I'm finding it hard. Especially when I get e-mails from people I haven't talked to in a long time. I'm not saying not to e-mail me. I'm just saying that I miss you guys. I will have a phone soon hopefully. They have coverage in many places including where I'm at now even though its in the jungle and I will need it for emergencies.
It feels like I've been here for a month even though its only been over a week. I've heard it will go faster. I hope at least the training flys by. I want to be in my community already.
Til next time....
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