If someone from anywhere in the states were to walk up into my community right now they would be pretty confused. This is mostly because there is a traveling 7th day Adventist church from the Dominican Republic here with a generator singing karaoke to church songs and jumping around. Then there are the scared indigenous watching this wondering where these people came from. Then there is Salomon and I sitting on my porch right next to them with our computers open while I write this and he stalks people on facebook. Mind you that there is no lights and we are pretty much in the jungle. I would be pretty confused.
One word about religion. Well many words. If you have read some of my past posts or know me well then you might know that I'm not what you would call a “believer” in the almighty. I respect other religions (the ones that don't have to do with aliens and magic) and my entire life I've pretty much just wanted to be left alone when it comes to religion. The way I see it, if I go directly to hell somehow then I guess that's my problem. It can't be worse than Fresno California and I've been there many times. Its when I see people trying to force a belief down the throats of others that I get a little perturbed. Rolling up with a generator and blasting Jesus music through the jungle for 3 hours a night for two weeks qualifies for that. Now when I get to the Not Happy point on my “leave me alone” meter is when that happens next to my shack of a house that has 2 inch spaces between the boards. The community didn't ask for this and I sure as hell didn't give permission to be kept up all night.
Now there are some people here that seem to be enjoying the service and some have told me that they are going to convert from evangelical to 7th day now. I asked if it was because they gave out free bibles and they said yes with no hesitation. I really don't care that much and if these people want to follow Jesus or a big red tomato that dances to tango and rules from Mount Kilimanjaro that is their prerogative. What is not fair is when these people come in and tell them that dancing is the work of the devil so they need to stop doing their traditional dances. Or when they say that they need to start wearing shirts because Jesus doesn't like it. That is where I stop having just a problem with my space being invaded and start having a problem with their traditions being obliterated because an outsider says that some dude 2,000 years ago would not have liked it. Leave them alone. The world will be a boring place without dancing and boobies hanging out. Feel good that you are not going to hell and live your life how you want. Just don't make everything boring in this world and for gods sake don't tell the “heathen” locals to stop dancing and singing and practicing their traditions. And oh, don't bother the heathen gringo living in the community either.
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