Saturday, September 24, 2011

Video of My First Year in the Peace Corps

So I made up a little something something for my first year in the Peace Corps. Its a movie if you haven't guessed by now. It's definitively not the best quality since my computer almost blew up trying to make the damn thing but its something. Some of the pictures are nice some of the pictures look like lego-men. The music is some of my favorite latin music. If I'm able to get a laptop this winter I will be able to create much better videos. Until then enjoy...

1 comment:

  1. Love the video. I just happened upon your site and have been looking at some of your blog. I have been interested in peace corps for a while and find it ironic to be living in Clayton, Panama, (I am working at CCA--a christian school just up the road), as a middle school social studies teacher. Amazing how different lives can be within the same country! Well, thank you for the blog I am loving learning about other parts of Panama.
